Sunday, February 13, 2011

It's Just Another Day

It's that day again...That dreaded V-Day.  When I was divorced, nothing depressed me more than being without a partner during the holidays.  Then just when I managed to get through the worst of them, along came Valentine's Day to kick me in teeth & it was back to bed with my tissues, a bottle of wine and a pint of ice cream.  Exactly what every single adult needs smack dab in the middle of the dreariest month of the winter season, a reminder that everyone is in love but them.  But as I learned over those 10 lonely years, it doesn't have to be that way. 

For a great many of those loving couples, Valentine's Day is as much a fantasy as Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and good ol' Cupid himself.  They don't purchase gifts, cards, flowers and chocolates as a sincere token of love and affection for their partner; they do it because they know there will be hell to pay if they don't.  How many of those men (and women too I'm sure) waited until the last possible minute to head to the store?  Have you witnessed the panic, smelled the desperation found in the Walmart card aisle at 5:15 on Feb. 14th?  Ahhhhhh, the love! 

If you're sans partner this Valentine's Day, don't let the hype bring you down.  Instead, give yourself the love you deserve, love that is real and not some stale old cliche found in an over-priced Hallmark card that will end up in the trash bin next week.  Go out with friends. Treat yourself to a massage or a pedicure.  Order dinner in and watch a movie (nothing sad and no romantic comedies).  Go ahead, buy yourself some chocolate but make it the good stuff, no coconut please.  Take a long bubble bath then curl up with a new book.  Love the one you're with honey, and that one is you!

And if all else fails, just can survive anything for 24 hours. It'll all be over in the morning. 


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