Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Did You Hear the One About...?

We've all heard the old adage "laughter is the best medicine" and in this case, even science has to admit this is true.  Laughter boosts the immune system, diminishes pain, reduces stress, and strengthens our relationships.  Balancing mind, body and spirit, laughter is a wonderfully simple natural healing technique and the benefits last long after the joke is over.

Laughter adds joy to our lives while changing our perspective on difficult situations.  We can't be sad, mad or anxious while laughing, instead our whole body relaxes with the release of endorphins.  Blood flow increases, improving the function of our cardiovascular system and protecting us from a possible future heart attack. 

Socially, laughter can diffuse conflict and heal resentments.  It draws people to us and enhances feelings of camaraderie and teamwork.  We feel freer and more apt to express our true feelings with those around us when we share laughter. 

You'd think something this good would cost at least $49.95.  But wait!  If you order today, you can have all of this for the low low price of...FREE!  And best of all, laughter doesn't cause constipation,dizziness,drymouth,headache,sweating,nausea,nervousness,
insomnia,vomiting,weight gain,blurred vision,hives,anxiety,aggressiveness,
suicidal thoughts,and sexual side effects like those prescription miracle drugs. You may however, pee your pants just a little bit if you take too much at one time. 

So how do you get laughter for yourself?  No, you don't order it from an infomercial but you can take some easy steps to include it in your daily life.
  • Go online, http://www.youtube.com/ can provide you with hours of entertainment watching real people doing really stupid things.
  • Smile. Now allow it to grow into something bigger, louder and belly busting. 
  • Play with a pet, or a child.  Borrow a neighbor's if you don't have one of your own.  Just be sure to ask them first.
  • Instead of getting upset, laugh at life's frustrations.  Imagine telling the story to friends, be sure to include some sarcastic commentary and a wild laugh track in the background.
  • Watch a funny movie or television show.  Be it The Hangover, South Park or Shrek, there's something out there to fit every sense of humor.
  • Listen to a baby giggle. There's nothing more infectious.  Try not to laugh.  Go ahead, I dare ya. 
  • Hang with some friends and do something you don't do often or do well; go bowling, rollerskating, visit a comedy club, play miniature golf, or go-cart racing.
  • Page through old photo albums.  How could your mother dress you in that purple polyester pantsuit?  Who convinced us that 4" mall bangs were hot?    
Laughter is contagious, share it with a friend and the more you laugh, the more things you will find to laugh about.  And remember, life is short so don't take yourself too seriously.  Just relax and enjoy the ride!

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