Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Who's your kryptonite?  We all have one.  You know, that person that can make you feel small and stupid with just a look.  Despite swearing to ourselves that we won't let them get to us this time, we do.  And the next thing we know, we're handing them our power right there on a silver platter and we're left with nothing but anger and self-loathing for being weak once again.  Is it your mother?  Your ex?  Your boss?  Who?

This afternoon a friend asked me to help her come up with a mantra to build strength when dealing with her ex-husband.  Mind you, this woman is beautiful, intelligent and strong.  She is such a phenomenal burst of energy packed into a pint sized body, nobody would ever suspect that she could be intimidated by anyone, but she, like the rest of us has her kryptonite.  I came up with the following mantra on her behalf but think we can all benefit from the message it holds.

"I am strong, smart, confident and powerful.  I have done and will continue to do great things with my life.  No one can, nor will I allow anyone to try, to take that from me.  I own my own power in all situations."  

Say it outloud, repeat it often and keep it handy should you be exposed to your version of kryptonite.   


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