Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mind Your Own Business

Mindfulness is a topic I will be discussing often because I believe it is one of the most effective ways to bring peace and balance to our lives.

It seems we are on a never ending quest to cram more and more stuff into our days.  We eat our meals in the car.  We talk on the phone while walking the dog.  We send emails while waiting in line at the store and we text others while listening to our spouse tell us about their day.  We have become so adroit at multi-tasking we feel uncomfortable and lazy doing only one thing at a time.  We are nearly incapable of living in the moment, always thinking ahead to what has to be done next, so much so, that huge chunks of our time are lost mindlessly rushing through daily tasks that we have no recollection of completing minutes after completing them.  We simply function on autopilot.

I'm sure you remember taking a shower this morning but do you recall the scent of your soap?  What did the lather feel like in your hands?  Did you stop to enjoy the sensation of hot water cascading over your body?  Odds are you were already stressed, worried about running late, anticipating the meeting with your boss later this morning, wondering when you'll manage to shovel the driveway and if there's enough hamburger in the fridge for dinner tonight.  By the time you got out, I would bet your heart was racing, your jaws clenched and your fists tight.  A good fifteen minutes of your life just passed by, fifteen minutes that you can't ever get back, fifteen minutes that should have been spent enjoying a truly wonderful sensual experience. 

I challenge you to take your shower mindfully tomorrow.  Spend that time thinking only about what you are doing, feeling, seeing, smelling, hearing in that exact moment.  Turn on the water and listen to the sound it makes hitting the bottom of the tub.  Feel the water get warmer and warmer on your hand.  Step in and enjoy the sensation of the hot spray against your skin.  Follow the path of a single drop as it runs down the shower wall.  Lean your head back and feel your hair get heavy as it soaks up the wetness.  Pour some shampoo into your hand and breathe in the fresh scent. Feel the silky smoothness of the lather.  Watch as the bubbles pop on your skin...I'll leave you to figure out how to enjoy the rest of your shower time but whatever you do, remain in the present moment, mindfully enjoying every single 60 second in every single minute. 


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